Be a Survivor Breast Cancer Guides Available in Several Formats

OncologyONCOLOGY Vol 12 No 10
Volume 12
Issue 10

It’s a truism that we learn best when we get information from several senses," concludes a favorable review in the respected Journal of the National Cancer Institute of an interactive CD-ROM entitled "Be a Survivor: Your Interactive Guide to

It’s a truism that we learn best when we get information from several senses," concludes a favorable review in the respected Journal of the National Cancer Institute of an interactive CD-ROM entitled "Be a Survivor: Your Interactive Guide to Breast Cancer Treatment." Although the review referred only to the CD-ROM, the truism is further reinforced by the availability of "Be a Survivor" material in two other patient-friendly formats--a 170-page fact-packed book and a 30-minute video.

Produced by Lange Productions, the trilogy of breast cancer education materials provides a newly diagnosed woman and her partner with information that they need to know to participate in her treatment and recovery. The "Be a Survivor" materials reinforce information in three different ways:

The video provides a quick overview of the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer.

The book serves as a convenient, easily-accessible source of essential information.

The CD-ROM offers detailed information about everything from biopsy to nipple reconstruction.

Comprehensive Overview of Treatment Options

While the book is designed to be a breast cancer patient’s constant companion, the video may be shown in a doctor’s office or a hospital waiting area. The CD-ROM, which includes more than 120 hours of text, narration, three-dimensional graphics, and survivor interviews, could be used by a patient at home, by a physician to help answer a patient’s questions, or as a resource by women’s health centers, other medical facilities, and libraries. Together, the entire program is designed to deliver a clear overview of treatment options, as well as provide help with such issues as managing side effects of cancer treatment, dealing with the loss of libido, finding a breast prosthesis to match skin color, and using visualization to enhance the immune system.

Vladimir Lange, MD, created the program after his wife, Mandy, also a doctor, was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 42. "The torrent of information a woman has to absorb when she finds out she has breast cancer is staggering," Dr. Lange said. "Even though both my wife and I are physicians, we too were confused when faced with her diagnosis a few years ago. We were determined to create a program that would help women and their partners every step of that process, from diagnosis to recovery."

According to a number of reviewers, the Langes have succeeded. The Library Journal review of the book reports: "Be a Survivor" should be the first book women reach for in developing strategies to fight perhaps the biggest battles of their lives." Advance, a publication for radiologic science professionals, says the CD-ROM "could make all the difference in the attitude, and thus the recovery, of the patient facing breast cancer." The CD-ROM has won several awards, including the American Medical Association’s Best Interactive/CD-ROM and The New York Film Festival’s Gold in Best Health-Medical.

Dr. Lange founded Lange Productions in 1986 after 11 years of practicing emergency medicine. He combined his interests in audiovisual communications with his Harvard Medical School training to write, direct, and produce user-friendly, medically accurate multimedia patient education programs in video, CD-ROM, and print. Lange Productions also offers programs on other aspects of women’s health and cancer treatment, adolescent health, and heart disease.

The book is priced at $24.95, the video at $175, and the CD-ROM at $395, plus handling charges. For additional information, call 213-874-0132 or visit the company’s web site at

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