WASHINGTON--The number of new AIDS cases diagnosed in the United States last year totaled 62,600, according to the first estimate of the 1995 AIDS incidence released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The incidence rose from 61,500 in 1994.
WASHINGTON--The number of new AIDS cases diagnosed in the UnitedStates last year totaled 62,600, according to the first estimateof the 1995 AIDS incidence released by the Centers for DiseaseControl and Prevention (CDC). The incidence rose from 61,500 in1994.
This was the fourth year that new AIDS cases increased by lessthan 5%, a number well below the rate of increase in the epidemic'sfirst decade. As recently as 1991, the annual rate of increasewas 15%.
The CDC has received reports of 548,102 cases of AIDS since scientistsfirst recognized the disease. Of these, 343,000 have died. Thiscumulative number of AIDS cases includes 462,152 male and 78,654female adults and adolescents, and 7,296 children under the ageof 13 years. The number of new AIDS cases diagnosed among childrenappears to be decreasing, the federal agency said.
The AIDS trends noted by CDC from 1992 to 1995 include:
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