CAMBRIDGE, Mass--In a phase II study, Genetics Institute's recombinant human interleukin-11 (rhIL-11) restored platelets in throm-bocytopenic patients undergoing cancer chemotherapy to the extent that significantly fewer rhIL-11 treated patients required platelet transfusions, compared to placebo.
CAMBRIDGE, Mass--In a phase II study, Genetics Institute's recombinanthuman interleukin-11 (rhIL-11) restored platelets in throm-bocytopenicpatients undergoing cancer chemotherapy to the extent that significantlyfewer rhIL-11 treated patients required platelet transfusions,compared to placebo.
Based on this favorable outcome, the company plans to begin aphase III study by the end of this year.
Highlighting Insights From the Marginal Zone Lymphoma Workshop
Clinicians outline the significance of the MZL Workshop, where a gathering of international experts in the field discussed updates in the disease state.