VANCOUVER, BC-More than 4,000 pain experts from all over the world attended the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) 8th World Congress on Pain, at the Vancouver Trade and Convention Centre.
VANCOUVER, BC-More than 4,000 pain experts from all over the worldattended the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP)8th World Congress on Pain, at the Vancouver Trade and ConventionCentre.
"The Congress is an opportunity for pain researchers andclinicians to discuss the latest advances in the field,"said IASP president John D. Loeser, MD, of the University of Washington."It's only within the last 20 years that medical sciencehas developed advanced assessment tools and intervention strategiesto reduce pain and suffering," he said.
The 8th World Congress was dedicated to the memory of ProfessorJohn J. Bonica who pioneered the multi-disciplinary approach topain management with the establishment in 1961 of the Universityof Washington Multidisciplinary Pain Center.
Dr. Loeser is the Center's current director.