BETHESDA, Md--At its most recent meeting, the National Cancer Advisory Board heard a report on the Division of Cancer Treatment, Diagnosis, and Centers and its efforts to promote third-party payer support for clinical trials.
BETHESDA, Md--At its most recent meeting, the National CancerAdvisory Board heard a report on the Division of Cancer Treatment,Diagnosis, and Centers and its efforts to promote third-partypayer support for clinical trials.
Mary McCabe, representing the division, said that it meets regularlywith insurers, government agencies, and trade associations toestablish and build partnerships for education on clinical trialsand to increase support for third-party coverage.
The division emphasizes to insurers that clinical trials givegood value because they have rigid review systems, provide outcomemeasures, and have in place the necessary quality assurances forpatient safety.
In 1993, she said, the first part of a congressionally mandatedtwo-part study to determine third-party reimbursement policieswas completed. This study included a survey of eight insurersand managed care organizations.
Currently, Ms. McCabe said, a meeting is being arranged betweenNCI Director Richard Klausner and a group of representative insurersto discuss their interest in cancer care. The division is alsoplanning discussions with large corporations. Meanwhile, she said,discussions continue with patient advocacy groups, Federal agencies,legislators, national organizations, and other NIH institutions.