States Lag in Committing Tobacco Funds to Antismoking Efforts

Oncology NEWS InternationalOncology NEWS International Vol 8 No 10
Volume 8
Issue 10

WASHINGTON-Only six of the states that settled their lawsuit with the tobacco industry last year have so far “provided enough new funding for truly comprehensive tobacco prevention and cessation programs,” according to a new report by the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids and the American Heart Association. The six states are Hawaii, Maryland, Minnesota, Vermont, New Jersey, and Washington.

WASHINGTON—Only six of the states that settled their lawsuit with the tobacco industry last year have so far “provided enough new funding for truly comprehensive tobacco prevention and cessation programs,” according to a new report by the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids and the American Heart Association. The six states are Hawaii, Maryland, Minnesota, Vermont, New Jersey, and Washington.

Ten other states will dedicate less of their funds to prevention than the Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends for an effective program. Other states have refused to specifically provide prevention funds or have yet to make a decision about antismoking programs.

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