Transgene S. A. has announced that the first patients have been enrolled in a two-step phase II trial of its immunotherapy product candidate TG 1042 (Ad-IFNϒ) to treat relapsing cutaneous B-cell lymphoma (CBCL).
STRASBOURG, FranceTransgene S. A. has announced that the first patients have been enrolled in a two-step phase II trial of its immunotherapy product candidate TG 1042 (Ad-IFNϒ) to treat relapsing cutaneous B-cell lymphoma (CBCL). TG 1042 is an adenoviral vector containing the human interferon gamma gene. In the first stage, 13 patients will be enrolled at centers in the United States, France, and Switzerland. If results are positive, recruitment will continue with an additional 28 patients in a second confirmatory stage. Patients will receive 4 months of intralesional injections of TG 1042 to induce an anti-tumor immune response. For more information about the trial: go to (search for NCT00394693).
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