WHIPPANY, NJ--Two new forms of Dilaudid (hydromorphone HCL)-- Dilaudid 8 mg tablets and Dilaudid-5 Oral Liquid--are now available from Knoll Pharmaceutical Company.
WHIPPANY, NJ--Two new forms of Dilaudid (hydromorphone HCL)--Dilaudid 8 mg tablets and Dilaudid-5 Oral Liquid--are now availablefrom Knoll Pharmaceutical Company.
The 8 mg tablets allow easy titration to a higher hydromorphonedose and are more convenient for patients currently taking twoDilaudid 4 mg tablets per dose, the manufacturer said.
Dilaudid-5 Oral Liquid is designed for patients who have difficultyswallowing solid medications. One teaspoon contains 5 mg of hydromorphoneper 5 mL. The liquid is alcohol-free, colorless, unflavored, andcan be mixed with fruit juice, according to Knoll.
In addition, Knoll is making available a pocket guide "Strategiesfor Cancer Pain Management," written by Ada Rogers, RN, researchassociate and clinical coordinator of the Pain Research Group,Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center.
The guide contains general information on opioid use in cancerpain, as well as specific dosing information on Dilaudid, includinga dose conversion chart. Call 201-575-5656 (9 am to 5 pm EST)for free copies.
Highlighting Insights From the Marginal Zone Lymphoma Workshop
Clinicians outline the significance of the MZL Workshop, where a gathering of international experts in the field discussed updates in the disease state.