Improving the Therapeutic Ratio in Hodgkin Lymphoma Through the Use of Proton Therapy
This review addresses the rationale and evidence for-and the challenges, cost implications, and future development of-proton therapy as an important part of the treatment strategy in Hodgkin lymphoma.
Proton Therapy for Prostate Cancer
This review discusses the rationale, history, and current status of proton therapy for prostate cancer-and controversies regarding it.
Commentary (Mendenhall): Treatment of Complications After Breast-Conservation Therapy
August 1st 2003Breast-conserving therapy maywell be the best-studied therapyin all of medicine, with dataavailable from seven mature prospectiverandomized trials that comparedoutcomes with the “gold standard” ofablative mastectomy, as well as datafrom specific programs across thecountry and globe, reflecting a broadrange of clinical and technical skillsand philosophic and technical variationson the theme of breast-conservingtherapy. However, relatively littlehas been published on the late effectsof this therapy. Frassica et al havedone an excellent job of producing adescriptive catalog of the majority ofpotential late effects in patients whosurvive breast-conserving therapy,complete with suggestions regardingmanagement.