Commentary (Burt): Genetics of Colorectal Cancer
March 1st 2006Approximately 6% of colorectal cancers can be attributed to recognizable heritable germline mutations. Familial adenomatous polyposis is an autosomal dominant syndrome classically presenting with hundreds to thousands of adenomatous colorectal polyps that are caused by mutations in the APC gene.
Psychosocial Consequences of DNA Analysis for MEN Type 2
February 1st 1996Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN-2) may be the ideal diseasefor presymptomatic genetic testing. The syndrome has an autosomaldominant pattern of inheritance and includes medullary thyroidcarcinoma, pheochromocytomas, and, sometimes, parathyroid adenomas.The risk of medullary thyroid carcinoma in affected persons isextremely high.