Recent Advances in Hormonal Therapy for Advanced Prostate Cancer
August 1st 2003Hormonal treatment of advanced prostate cancer should be consideredfor patients who have stages C and D1 disease, a high risk of recurrenceafter local therapy, or prostate-specific antigen–measured recurrenceafter local treatment. This approach is dependent on most prostatecancer cells being androgen-dependent, but androgen-independentcells may arise after several years of hormonal therapy. Options forandrogen blockade primarily include orchiectomy, luteinizing hormone–releasing agonists and antagonists, and nonsteroidal antiandrogens.There is some controversy regarding combined androgen blockade,intermittent androgen blockade, and the question of whether earlyandrogen blockade is superior to delayed therapy. Convincing data doexist for the use of adjuvant/neoadjuvant hormonal therapy with external-beam radiation therapy. Although hormonal therapy is an importanttreatment modality for advanced prostate cancer, long-termtreatment carries significant side effects that need to be considered.