Treatment of HER2-positive cancers has improved rapidly over the past decade, and the pace of progress continues to accelerate. The advances have been fueled in part by the conduct of neoadjuvant studies, which have aided in the development of novel therapies and more effective combination regimens.
In this interview we discuss the role of radiotherapy in treating women aged 65 and older with hormone-positive breast cancer with Dr. Ian Kunkler, professor of clinical oncology at the Edinburgh Cancer Research Center.
The second edition of Pediatric Hematolgy, edited by the text's original editors, John S. Lilleyman and Ian M. Hann, as well as a new editor, Victor S. Blanchette, completely updates and expands upon the first edition (published in 1992). The new edition grew from 15 to 40 chapters, with contributions by many of the most well-known investigators and clinicians in pediatric hematology in the world. The textbook will especially be of value to practicing clinicians, house staff, and students.
The ideal utilization of focal therapy is to treat a smaller prostate cancer in which you can ablate, excise, or render inconsequential a tumor that affects a relatively small fraction of the gland.
In this interview we review recent breast cancer screening guidelines from the ACS and USPSTF, and discuss the changing way that early-stage breast and prostate cancers are being treated.
Minimizing oral manifestations of cancer treatment is a major concern for both dentists and physicians. This article, by dentists from the M. D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas, addresses the prevention and minimization of oral complications by describing their observations and considerations for a wide range of oncologic treatments.
Tamoxifen is by far the most clinically tested antiestrogenic drug currently used as adjuvant therapy for breast cancer and it continues to provide considerable benefit in this setting. The balance from clinical trials indicates a strong association between the use of tamoxifen and an increase in uterine tumors (three to sixfold). In rats, tamoxifen is a mutagenic, genotoxic hepatocarcinogen.
When administered as a single agent in pretreated patients with advanced breast cancer, paclitaxel (Taxol) exhibits remarkable antitumor activity. This trial was undertaken to compare paclitaxel with standard
The rapid emergence of gemcitabine (Gemzar) as a viable component inchemotherapy for breast cancer is indeed an encouraging development.Specifically, until relatively recently, the focus of research and treatmentwith gemcitabine was primarily on lung cancer. Growing opinion amongmany experts in breast cancer held that studies of gemcitabine in breast cancer werenoticeably lacking and that such research was warranted. Fortunately, these voiceswere heard, and the manufacturers of gemcitabine responded with an acceleratedinitiative to explore further the role of gemcitabine in breast cancer. Rapid progresswas made.
A 68-year-old man is referred for further evaluation and treatment of jaundice. He describes pruritus, intermittent mild midabdominal discomfort, and progressive weight loss. There is no history of fever. His history is significant for renal cell carcinoma with pulmonary metastasis.
High-grade non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas generally refer to immunoblastic lymphoma, lymphoblastic lymphoma, and small-noncleaved-cell lymphoma, three histological subtypes that were associated with the worst prognosis at the
We discuss the current controversies in prostate cancer-PSA screening and approaches to initial treatment for men diagnosed with the disease.
In this article we discuss the challenges and new advances in adult ALL, as well as our approach to the treatment of these patients.
Primary debulking surgery by a gynecologic oncologist remains thestandard of care in advanced ovarian cancer. Optimal debulking surgeryshould be defined as no residual tumor load. In retrospective analyses,neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by interval debulking surgerydoes not seem to worsen prognosis compared to primary debulking surgeryfollowed by chemotherapy. However, we will have to wait for theresults of future randomized trials to know whether neoadjuvant chemotherapyfollowed by interval debulking surgery is as good as primarydebulking surgery in stage IIIC and IV patients. Interval debulking isdefined as an operation performed after a short course of induction chemotherapy.Based on the randomized European Organization for Researchand Treatment of Cancer–Gynecological Cancer Group (EORTC-GCG)trial, interval debulking by an experienced surgeon improves survival insome patients who did not undergo optimal primary debulking surgery.Based on Gynecologic Oncology Group (GOG) 152 data, intervaldebulking surgery does not seem to be indicated in patients who underwentprimarily a maximal surgical effort by a gynecologic oncologist.Open laparoscopy is probably the most valuable tool for evaluating theoperability primarily or at the time of interval debulking surgery.
In this issue of Oncology, Levy and colleagues provide a comprehensive review of bronchioloalveolar carcinoma [BAC], with a focus on the management of this rare disease, which represents 4% of all lung cancers.[1] The definition of BAC was revised by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2004, with changes made to the diagnostic criteria and classification.[2] BAC was defined as an adenocarcinoma of the lung that grows in a lepidic fashion along the alveolar septa without invasion of stroma, blood vessels, or pleura. BAC has been sub-classified into three types: nonmucinous, mucinous, and mixed.
Because there has been little empirical evidence to back up patients’ stories, chemobrain has been met with skepticism by the medical community and has been a painful puzzle for many patients who couldn’t quite put a name to what they were feeling. This cognitive impairment-characterized by loss of memory and stumbling on words, among other symptoms-has come to be known as “chemobrain” or “chemofog.”
In a single-center, open, phase II trial, we assessed the toxicity and activity of a triple combination therapy-doxorubicin at 30 mg/m2 (day 1), paclitaxel (Taxol) at 135 mg/m2 (day 2), and gemcitabine (Gemzar) at 2,500 mg/m2
In the recent era of effective systemic therapies for melanoma, the provocative question of whether isolated limb perfusion still plays a role in the treatment of patients with in-transit melanoma metastases is timely and relevant.
Drs. Dutcher, Mourad, and Ennis have provided an excellent review of current and potential future treatments of renal cell carcinoma (RCC); we would like to highlight some salient points from a urologic perspective.
Prostate cancer is the most common form of cancer (except skin cancer) in men. Several factors have been associated with an increased risk for prostate cancer, including age, ethnicity, family history, lifestyle, and
Plasmacytoma is a rare B-lymphocyte neoplastic disorder that usually presents as the generalized disease multiple myeloma. Less than 5% of the cases present as a solitary mass of monoclonal plasma cells in the bone or soft tissue. Although solitary extramedullary plasmacytoma (SEP) may arise in any organ, it rarely involves the urinary bladder. A 67-year-old male without a history of multiple myeloma presented with urinary frequency and nocturia; he was later diagnosed with SEP of the bladder. The patient was initially treated with a course of radiation therapy without symptomatic improvement; therefore a chemotherapy regimen consisting of lenalidomide and dexamethasone was subsequently given for six cycles. SEP usually carries a better prognosis and higher cure rate than solitary plasmacytoma of bone, as SEP is radiation sensitive. The role of adjuvant chemotherapy in the treatment of SEP that is resistant to radiation therapy is not clear, since most of the recommendations have been derived from the experience of head and neck SEP. The literature also lacks recommendations for choice of a chemotherapy regimen and surveillance of isolated bladder plasmacytoma. Here we present the first case of a radiation-resistant solitary plasmacytoma of the bladder that was successfully treated with lenalidomide and dexamethasone with successful clinical remission.
Occult distant micrometastasis at the time of radical cystectomy leads predominantly to distant failures in patients with locally advanced muscle-invasive transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder. Cisplatin-based combination chemotherapy enhances survival in patients with metastatic urothelial cancer. Studies evaluating adjuvant chemotherapy have been limited by inadequate statistical power. However, randomized clinical trials have demonstrated a survival benefit for neoadjvuant cisplatin-based combination chemotherapy, which should be considered a standard of care. In addition, neoadjuvant therapy may assist in the rapid development of novel systemic therapy regimens, since pathologic complete remission appears to be a powerful prognostic factor for long-term outcomes. Patients who are either unfit for or refuse radical cystectomy may benefit from neoadjuvant chemotherapy with or without radiation to enable bladder preservation.
This case shows the importance of searching for antineural antibodies in oncologic patients with new neurologic deficits, and of having a judicious workup for occult malignancies in patients with known antineural antibodies.
Although many cancer patients cope well with their disease, psychiatric disorders occur in almost 50% of patients in the setting of malignancy. Untreated psychological and neuropsychiatric disorders can compromise quality of life as well as treatment compliance. Three behavioral syndromes that are often encountered in clinical practice will be discussed here: depression, anxiety, and delirium.
This phase I-II study aimed to determine the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) of paclitaxel (Taxol), infused over 3 hours, when combined with a fixed dose (90 mg/m²) of epirubicin. Other aims were to investigate the combination’s
The controversies regarding the association between hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) and cancers, the questions about HRT use in women with a high risk of breast cancer, and the increasing number of women with breast cancer and menopausal symptoms make HRT a significant cancer issue.
Radiation therapy (RT) is an important treatment modality for multiple thoracic malignancies. Incidental irradiation of the lungs, which are particularly susceptible to injury, is unavoidable and often dose-limiting. The most radiosensitive subunit of the lung is the alveolar/capillary complex, and RT-induced lung injury is often described as diffuse alveolar damage. Reactive oxygen species generated by RT are directly toxic to parenchymal cells and initiate a cascade of molecular events that alter the cytokine milieu of the microenvironment, creating a self-sustaining cycle of inflammation and chronic oxidative stress. Replacement of normal lung parenchyma by fibrosis is the culminating event. Depending on the dose and volume of lung irradiated, acute radiation pneumonitis may develop, characterized by dry cough and dyspnea. Fibrosis of the lung, which can also cause dyspnea, is the late complication. Imaging studies and pulmonary function tests can be used to quantify the extent of lung injury. While strict dose-volume constraints to minimize the risk of injury are difficult to impose, substantial data support some general guidelines. New modalities such as intensity-modulated radiation therapy and stereotactic body radiation therapy provide new treatment options but also pose new challenges in safely delivering thoracic RT.
The treatment of inoperable stage III non–small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) remains a challenge due to high rates of distant metastasis, local recurrence, and toxicity associated with definitive therapy.
This video reviews the mechanisms of acquired and upfront endocrine resistance in estrogen receptor–positive breast cancer as well as research into strategies for overcoming this resistance.
Do not resuscitate (DNR) orders have become an integral part of the care of the terminally ill patient. Often, the decision whether or not to resuscitate a patient in the event of cardiopulmonary arrest must be made by the patient's family members. This is a difficult decision that is made at an emotionally trying time. Our study investigated the satisfaction, understanding, and feelings of families who sign DNR orders for their relatives. We are not aware of any other studies that have evaluated this aspect of the DNR order.