From March 1996 to March 1998, 106 patients with untreated metastatic breast cancer (MBC) were treated with docetaxel (Taxotere) (100 mg/m²) and doxorubicin (75 mg/m²) on an alternating cycle-by-cycle (doxorubicin, docetaxel, doxorubicin, etc) or sequential (four cycles of docetaxel, then four cycles of doxorubicin) basis, every 3 weeks, for a maximum of eight cycles.
This nonblinded, multicenter, randomized phase III study compares the median time to progression (primary endpoint), response rate, and quality of life, safety, and survival of
Tositumomab/iodine-131 tositumomab (Bexxar) is a radioimmunotherapeutic agent in development for patients with low-grade or transformed non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL). This analysis focuses
While the cancer patient may be affected by sexual dysfunction throughout the entire course of the disease, sexual health is largely underevaluated and undertreated. Sexual problems should be anticipated and patients should be actively screened as they are unlikely to initiate discussion on sexual issues.
Breast-conservation therapy (BCT), consisting of lumpectomy followed by whole-breast irradiation (WBI), is the standard of care for women with early-stage breast cancer. However, many women who are candidates for BCT either choose mastectomy or lumpectomy alone for myriad reasons. Accelerated partial-breast irradiation (APBI) is a collection of radiotherapy techniques that deliver higher daily doses of radiation to the surgical cavity with margin over a shorter time than WBI, reducing total treatment time from 6-6.5 weeks to 1-2 weeks. Advocates of APBI state that early results of this approach demonstrate excellent local control, minimal acute toxicity, and are associated with more convenience for the patient. Phase III randomized clinical trials are currently underway to assess local control, acute and chronic toxicities, and quality of life associated with APBI compared to WBI. In this review, we hope to clarify the rationale behind APBI and discuss in depth data concerning various partial-breast irradiation techniques that are being used throughout the United States and around the world.
This video examines results of a phase II trial that studied the combination of neratinib plus capecitabine for the treatment of recurrent brain metastases in HER2-positive breast cancer patients.
Tumor lysis syndrome (TLS) is a potentially life-threatening complication that has been described since the first use of modern cytotoxic chemotherapy.
In our commentary, we will address ways to consider this research across the cancer continuum, with a focus on the cancer survivor, highlighting some of the challenges in interpreting the research evidence for translation into clinical practice and noting some research gaps.
While we continue to be thankful for incremental gains in the treatment of our patients with metastatic HER2-positive breast cancer, much work remains in order to optimize and individualize care.
Low-grade serous ovarian cancer is a rare, slow-growing cancer that is generally resistant to cytotoxic chemotherapy. In the upfront setting, treatment recommendations mimic those of high-grade serous ovarian cancer.
Yesterday, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first DNA-based stool sample screening test for colorectal cancer.
These guidelines review the use of radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery in borderline and unresectable pancreas cancer. Radiation technique, dose, and targets were evaluated, as was the recommended chemotherapy, administered either alone or concurrently with radiation. This report will aid clinicians in determining guidelines for the optimal treatment of borderline and unresectable pancreatic cancer.
This clinically oriented text focuses on the diagnosis and management of endometrial adenocarcinoma and endometrial hyperplasia. Due to its clinical orientation, the book does not include information on the molecular basis of endometrial cancer.
Panelists discuss how the use of CAR T-cell therapy in earlier lines of treatment for relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma could potentially improve long-term outcomes, considering factors such as patient selection, optimal timing, and the impact on subsequent treatment options.
Pediatric soft-tissue sarcomas are managed with a multimodality treatment program that includes surgery, chemotherapy, and external-beam radiotherapy (teletherapy). The use of teletherapy in young children can
Pemetrexed (Alimta) possesses broad antitumor activity. It has beenevaluated in non–small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) as front-line chemotherapyin a comprehensive phase II evaluation. While variousantifolates have been previously evaluated in clinical trials, drug developmentwas stopped or delayed in light of their lack of efficacy oroccurrence of life-threatening toxicities. While similar trends were observedwith pemetrexed early in development, investigators institutedfolic acid and vitamin B12 supplementation to minimize these toxicitieswithout hampering drug efficacy. This article briefly summarizes thecurrent evidence that supports the role of pemetrexed-based combinationsin clinical trials for chemonaive patients with advanced NSCLC.
Almost 40% of patients with newly diagnosed small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) have disease confined to the ipsilateral hemithorax and within a single radiation port, ie, limited-stage disease. The median survival for this group of patients after treatment is approximately 15 months, with one in every four patients surviving 2 years. Current optimal treatment consists of chemotherapy with platinum/etoposide, given concurrently with thoracic radiation. Surgery may represent an option for very early-stage disease, but its added value is uncertain. Prophylactic cranial irradiation (PCI) is used for patients with limited-stage SCLC who have achieved a complete response following initial therapy, as it decreases the risk of brain metastases and provides an overall survival benefit. Newer targeted agents are currently being evaluated in this disease and hold the promise of improving current outcomes seen in patients with early-stage disease.
This interview examines a study that looked at the health-related quality of life of multiple myeloma patients in a real-world setting who underwent maintenance therapy after autologous stem cell transplant.
Esophageal cancer frequently expresses cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2)enzyme. In preclinical studies, COX-2 inhibition results in decreasedcell proliferation and potentiation of chemotherapy and radiation. Wereport preliminary results of a phase II study conducted by the HoosierOncology Group in patients with potentially resectable esophageal cancer.All patients received cisplatin at 75 mg/m2 given on days 1 and 29and fluorouracil (5-FU) at 1,000 mg/m2 on days 1 to 4 and 29 to 32with radiation (50.4 Gy beginning on day 1). Celecoxib (Celebrex) wasadministered at 200 mg orally twice daily beginning on day 1 untilsurgery and then at 400 mg orally twice daily until disease progressionor unexpected toxicities, or for a maximum of 5 years. Esophagectomywas performed 4 to 6 weeks after completion of chemoradiation. Theprimary study end point was pathologic complete response (pCR). Secondaryend points included response rate, toxicity, overall survival, andcorrelation between COX-2 expression and pCR. Thirty-one patientswere enrolled from March 2001 to July 2002. Respective grade 3/4 toxicitieswere experienced by 58%/19% of patients, and consisted of granulocytopenia(16%), nausea/vomiting (16%), esophagitis (10%), dehydration(10%), stomatitis (6%), and diarrhea (3%). Seven patients (24%)required initiation of enteral feedings. There have been seven deathsso far, resulting from postoperative complications (2), pulmonary embolism(1), pneumonia (1), and progressive disease (3). Of the 22 patients(71%) who underwent surgery, 5 had pCR (22%). We concludethat the addition of celecoxib to chemoradiation is well tolerated. ThepCR rate of 22% in this study is similar to that reported with the use ofpreoperative chemoradiation in other trials. Further follow-up is necessaryto assess the impact of maintenance therapy with celecoxib onoverall survival.
Significant advances have been made in our understanding of the factors affecting the prognosis of malignant mesothelioma, and a number of biomarkers appear promising. However, at present it may be more fruitful to better define and characterize clinical factors that are well recognized as significantly impacting patient survival.
This review will describe the well-known use of VEGF antibodies; the current uses of EGFR and ALK tyrosine kinase inhibitors; newer agents being used against MET, FGFR, and other intracellular targets; insights regarding the field of immunotherapy in lung cancer; and finally, newer developments in chemotherapy.
Identification of effective lymphodepletion strategies, optimization of patient selection, and management of novel toxicities remain challenges in the growing field of cellular immunotherapy.
The University of Colorado Health Sciences Center holds weekly second opinion conferences focusing on cancer cases that represent most major cancer sites. Patients seen for second opinions are evaluated by an oncologist.
Conventional methods for treating brain metastasis, such as surgery, WBRT, and SRS, each compete with and complement one another. A plethora of recent studies have helped define and expand the utility of these tools.
Small-cell neuroendocrine disease associated with prostate cancer treatment appears to be more common than previously believed.
As breast cancer remains the most commonly diagnosed cancer among women in the United States, there has been a decline in breast cancer–related mortality for the past 2 decades; this is likely related to diagnosis at an earlier stage and the availability of more effective treatment regimens.
Primary systemic therapy (ie, preoperative or neoadjuvant) increasesthe possibility for breast-conserving surgery in patients with primarybreast cancer. Patients with pathologic complete response to primarysystemic therapy have improved survival compared with those with persistenttumors. Several phase II trials have evaluated gemcitabine-containingdoublet or triplet regimens as primary systemic therapy for breastcancer, results of which have shown promising clinical and pathologicresponse rates with manageable toxicity. Results of a phase I/II studyof gemcitabine (Gemzar)/epirubicin (Ellence)/docetaxel (Taxotere), orGEDoc, with prophylactic filgrastim (Neupogen), as primary systemictherapy in 77 evaluable patients with primary breast cancer are reportedherein. Dose-limiting toxicities were grade 3 febrile neutropenia(n = 1) and grade 3 diarrhea (n = 2) at the fourth dose level ofGEDoc tested (gemcitabine at 800 mg/m2 days 1 and 8, epirubicin at90 mg/ m2 day 1, and docetaxel at 75 mg/m2 day 1). As assessed byultrasound, 92% of patients responded overall (22% complete response),and 79% of patients could undergo breast-conserving surgery. Thepathologic complete response rate in resected breast tissue was 26%.
This is an open-label, nonrandomized phase I trial to determine the safety and maximum tolerated dose of irinotecan with a fixed dose of UFT plus oral leucovorin in patients with advanced or metastatic colorectal cancer.