
Cheryl S. Lee, MSN, RN


Bacterial Infections in Patients With Solid Tumors

Early and appropriate management of infection in the patient with cancer is critical to optimizing patient outcomes.

Chester C. Wilmot, MD


The Promise of Targeted Therapy for Localized Prostate Cancer

The morbidities associated with prostate cancer treatments have improved over the years. However, potential overtreatment and the risks of adverse events associated with radical treatment still pose a considerable challenge. Targeted focal therapy (TFT) of prostate cancer appears to be part of a logical continuum in the quest to improve upon the management of early organ-confined disease. TFT is a procedure in which only the cancer in the gland is ablated. The normal gland, sphincter, and in most cases the neurovascular bundles are preserved. Therefore, this approach averts some of the common complications of more radical therapy. Initial experience has been encouraging; however, long-term data and full implementation of emerging advances in imaging are urgently needed before the widespread adoption of this approach. In this review, we present the current status of our knowledge about this procedure and the most important challenges that need to be addressed. We also present the initial results with this approach at our center.

Chi Lin, MD, PhD


Long- vs Short-Course Radiation Therapy in Rectal Cancer

This video reviews some of the pros and cons of long-course and short-course radiation therapy for the neoadjuvant treatment of rectal cancer.

Chie Ushijima, MD


UFT Plus Cisplatin With Concurrent Radiotherapy for Locally Advanced Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer

A phase II study of combined-modality treatment consisting of uracil and tegafur (in a molar ratio of 4:1 [UFT]) plus cisplatin (Platinol) and concurrent radiotherapy was conducted to evaluate the activity of this regimen in

Chief Resident B.j. Rimel, MD


Cancer of the Cervix: Current Management and New Approaches

This article summarizes the current management of patients with newly diagnosed cervical cancer. The topics range from the management of early-stage disease to the phase III randomized studies that have established the current standard of care for patients with locally advanced cancer of the cervix. New approaches to combined-modality therapy with the goal of improving outcomes and decreasing complications are also described.

Chien Peter Chen, MD, PhD


Benefits and Pitfalls of Prostate Cancer Screening: “No Proof of Benefit” Does Not Equal “Proof of No Benefit”

Prostate cancer screening using prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing has been a contentious subject.

Chimbu Chinniah


CTCs Detected Lung Cancer Recurrence Before PET/CT

In this video we discuss a new study that tested the feasibility of using circulating tumor cells to detect recurrence in patients with locally advanced non–small-cell lung cancer.

Ching-hon Pui, MD


Recent Advances in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

We have witnessed remarkable gains in the biological understanding and treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) over the past decade.

Chirag R. Jani, MD


Gemcitabine and Irinotecan in Locally Advanced or Metastatic Biliary Cancer: Preliminary Report

Chemotherapy has had limited success in biliary tract cancer. Of thenewer agents, gemcitabine (Gemzar) and irinotecan (CPT-11, Camptosar)both have single-agent activity in patients with advanced disease.We conducted a phase II trial to study the efficacy and toxicity of thecombination of gemcitabine plus irinotecan in patients with locallyadvanced or metastatic biliary tract cancer. The study has enrolled 14patients with histologically or cytologically documented cancer of thebiliary tract or gallbladder with bidimensionally measurable disease,Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status 0 or 1,decompressed biliary tree, and no prior exposure to chemotherapy.Gemcitabine at 1,000 mg/m2 and irinotecan at 100 mg/m2 were bothadministered on days 1 and 8, every 21 days. In patients who had lessthan grade 3 hematologic and less than grade 2 nonhematologic toxicityfollowing cycle 1, the dose of irinotecan was increased to 115 mg/m2 forsubsequent cycles. A total of 65 cycles of chemotherapy have beenadministered, with an average of 4.5 cycles per patient (range: 1 to 11cycles). The median treatment duration was 3 months (range: 0.75 to 8months). An objective partial response was determined radiographicallyin two patients (14%) while stable disease for periods ranging from 4to 11.5 months was noted in six patients (43%). Toxicity consisted ofgrade 3/4 neutropenia in seven patients (50%) with no episodes offebrile neutropenia, grade 3/4 thrombocytopenia in four (28%), grade3 diarrhea in two (14%), and grade 3 nausea in one patient. Thecombination of gemcitabine plus irinotecan appears to possess modestclinical activity, and it is well tolerated in patients with advanced biliarycancer. Patient accrual is ongoing to this study.

Chitra Hosing, MD


Nonmyeloablative Preparative Regimens for Allogeneic Hematopoietic Transplantation

High-dose myeloablative therapy with allogeneic hematopoietictransplantation is an effective treatment for hematologic malignancies,but this approach is associated with a high risk of complications.The use of relatively nontoxic, nonmyeloablative, or reduced-intensitypreparative regimens still allows engraftment and the generation ofgraft-vs-malignancy effects, is potentially curative for susceptiblemalignancies, and reduces the risk of treatment-related morbidity.Two general strategies along these lines have emerged, based on theuse of (1) immunosuppressive chemotherapeutic drugs, usually apurine analog in combination with an alkylating agent, and (2) lowdosetotal body irradiation, alone or in combination with fludarabine(Fludara).

Cho Chan, BSN, RN, OCN


The Patient With Cancer-Related Dyspnea

The patient, "JD," is a 62-year-old Caucasian female who had stage IV non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) diagnosed 3 months ago. Her medical history is significant for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). She quit smoking cigarettes more than 6 months ago after having smoked a pack per day for 40 years.

Cho Huang, MD


Liposomal-Encapsulated Chemotherapy: Preliminary Results of a Phase I Study of a Novel Liposomal Paclitaxel

Liposome encapsulation of antineoplastic drugs entered clinical testing in the late 1980s. As carriers for a variety of agents, liposomes can allow successful delivery of agents that may be subject to rapid degradation in

Chris H. Takimoto, MD, PhD


Principles of Oncologic Pharmacotherapy

The effective use of cancer chemotherapy requires a thorough understanding of the principles of neoplastic cell growth kinetics, basic pharmacologic mechanisms of drug action, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic variability, and mechanisms of drug resistance. Recent scientific advances in the field of molecular oncology have led to the identification of large numbers of potential targets for novel anticancer therapies. This has resulted in a tremendous expansion of the drug development pipeline, and in the present era, the diversity of clinically useful novel anticancer therapeutic agents is growing at an unprecedented rate. However, the great enthusiasm that surrounds these new agents must be tempered by the challenges they present in optimizing their clinical use and in rationally integrating them with existing anticancer therapies. This discussion focuses on the basic principles underlying the development of modern combination chemotherapy, and it is followed by a description of the major classes of chemotherapeutic drugs and their mechanisms of action.

Chris R. Kelsey, MD


The Evolving Role of Radiation Therapy in DLBCL: From Early-Stage to Refractory Disease

Gavin Jones, MD, and colleagues explore the landscape of radiation therapy in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.

Chris Y. Brunson, MD


Irinotecan/Gemcitabine Combination Chemotherapy in Pancreatic Cancer

Gemcitabine (Gemzar) and irinotecan (CPT-11, Camptosar) are active cytotoxic drugs against pancreatic cancer. Preclinical data evaluating the combination of gemcitabine and irinotecan suggest dose-dependent synergistic

Christian Dittrich, MD


Overview of Phase I/II Pemetrexed Studies

Pemetrexed (Alimta) is an antifolate that is effective in the inhibitionof multiple enzyme targets including thymidylate synthase,dihydrofolate reductase, and glycinamide ribonucleotide formyl transferase.The compound has been evaluated in several phase I trials, bothas single agent and in combination with other cytotoxic agents. Theinitial schedule selected for further investigation in phase II trials waspemetrexed 600 mg/m2 as a 10-minute infusion on day 1 every 21 days.During the subsequent phase II development, the dose of pemetrexedwas adjusted to 500 mg/m2 due to bone marrow and gastrointestinaltoxicities. The adjusted dose of pemetrexed was well tolerated throughoutthe late-phase drug development program. Preclinical evidencesuggests that pemetrexed has additive or synergistic activity when combinedwith many other clinically important anticancer agents, includinggemcitabine (Gemzar), fluorouracil, carboplatin (Paraplatin),oxaliplatin (Eloxatin), paclitaxel, and vinorelbine (Navelbine). Doselimitingtoxicities in these studies were primarily hematologic, and therewas no evidence of cumulative hematologic toxicity. During the drugdevelopment program it was discovered that supplementation with folicacid and vitamin B12 profoundly increased the tolerability ofpemetrexed. The studies discussed in this review demonstrate thatpemetrexed is well tolerated as a single agent and will be an importantcontribution to combination chemotherapy regimens.

Christian Gisselbrecht, MD


Is Dose-Dense Therapy Effective Against DLBCL in the Era of Rituximab?

If there is one disease for which patients have experienced a significant improvement in the cure rate over the past 10 years, it is diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL).

Christian Kollmannsberger, MD


UFT/Calcium Folinate Plus Weekly Paclitaxel for Solid Tumors

Since cancer is incurable in many patients, palliation of symptoms and quality-of-life issues are important aspects of therapy. Uracil and tegafur (UFT) plus calcium folinate are the components of the oral agent known

Christian M. Kurbacher, MD, PhD


Continuous Low-Dose GM-CSF as Salvage Therapy in Refractory Recurrent Breast or Female Genital Tract Carcinoma

Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF,sargramostim [Leukine]) is a powerful cytokine that is able to stimulatethe generation of dendritic cells. Adjuvant treatment with continuous lowdoseGM-CSF has been shown to prolong survival of stage III/IV melanomapatients. Data on continuous low-dose GM-CSF therapy in tumorsother than prostate cancer are still lacking.

Christian Manegold, MD


Pemetrexed: Its Promise in Treating Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer

The use of chemotherapy in the treatment of early and advancednon–small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) has increased during the pastdecade. One of the main reasons for the increased acceptance of chemotherapyis the development of several new cytotoxic agents with aunique mechanism(s) of action and high single-agent activity, combinedwith a favorable toxicity profile. Pemetrexed (Alimta) is a novelantifolate that inhibits several enzymes involved in DNA synthesis(thymidylate synthase [TS], dihydrofolate reductase [DHFR], andglycinamide ribonucleotide formyltransferase [GARFT]). Pemetrexed’stoxicity is markedly reduced by folic acid and vitamin B12 supplementation.The compound has been studied extensively in various tumor types,including NSCLC. In NSCLC, pemetrexed at 500 mg/m2, every 3 weeks,given IV over 10 minutes, has shown promising activity, and can safelybe administrated with vitamin supplementation. After registration,single-agent pemetrexed will certainly add to the chemotherapeuticoptions available for pretreated patients and will most likely changesignificantly chemotherapy prescriptions in second-line chemotherapy.In first-line chemotherapy, the role of platinum-based and -free combinationdoublet chemotherapy with pemetrexed still needs to be defined.Phase II data indicate high efficacy combined with favorabletoxicity for pemetrexed in combination with cisplatin, carboplatin(Paraplatin), oxaliplatin (Eloxatin), gemcitabine (Gemzar), andvinorelbine (Navelbine). This review summarizes the clinical experienceobtained thus far during the early clinical development ofpemetrexed in NSCLC.

Christian Marth, MD, PhD


Is Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Ovarian Cancer an Excuse for Insufficient Surgery?

Surgical debulking of epithelial ovarian carcinoma has been a mainstay of therapy for more than 50 years-since the approach was first advocated by Meigs in 1934.[1] In 1968, Munnell[2] introduced the idea of the "maximum surgical effort”-essentially the removal of as much cancer as possible.

Christian Müller, MD


Infusional 5-FU, Folinic Acid, Paclitaxel, and Cisplatin for Metastatic

Our phase II study results demonstrating high efficacy and low toxicity for a weekly schedule of high-dose, 24-hour infusional 5-fluorouracil(5-FU)/folinic acid (HD5-FU/FA) in intensively pretreated patients with metastatic

Christian Schem, MD


Expanding Role of Ovarian Suppression/ Ablation in Premenopausal ER-Positive Breast Cancer: Issues and Opportunities

Luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone analogs (LHRHa) are often used alone or in combination with tamoxifen to suppress ovarian function in premenopausal women with endocrine-responsive breast cancer. However, aromatase inhitiors (AIs) are now the preferred first-line endocrine treatment for postmenopausal women with breast cancer.

Christiana Schmitz


Brachytherapy improves treatment in augmented women

CHICAGO-Targeted radiation of breast cancer after lumpectomy reduces treatment time from six and a half weeks to five days, while reducing pain and improving cosmetic outcome, according to a study presented at RSNA 2008 (abstract SSC19-02).

Christiane Querfeld, MD, PhD


Durvalumab Combination May Benefit Aggressive T-Cell Lymphoma Subgroups

Preliminary phase 2 trial data show durvalumab plus lenalidomide was superior to durvalumab alone in refractory/advanced cutaneous T-cell lymphoma.

Christiane Thienelt, MD


Early-Stage BRCA2-Linked Breast Cancer Diagnosed in the First Trimester of Pregnancy Associated With a Hypercoagulable State

This feature examines the case of a patient with newly diagnosed breast cancer in the setting of a first-trimester pregnancy presenting to our multidisciplinary breast cancer clinic.