Kidney Cancer


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Data from LITESPARK-005 establish belzutifan as a treatment option in advanced RCC following prior immune checkpoint and antiangiogenic therapies.
Belzutifan Significantly Improves PFS Vs Everolimus in Clear Cell RCC

September 4th 2024

Data from LITESPARK-005 establish belzutifan as a treatment option in advanced RCC following prior immune checkpoint and antiangiogenic therapies.

Patients receiving immune checkpoint inhibitors for renal cell carcinoma had improved symptom burden when enrolled in a remote exercise program.
Exercise Oncology May Improve HRQOL in Metastatic RCC

July 30th 2024

Belzutifan Improves PFS Across Subgroups for Advanced ccRCC
Belzutifan Improves PFS Across Subgroups for Advanced ccRCC

July 12th 2024

Efficacy Highlighted in Fianlimab/Cemiplimab in Pretreated Advanced ccRCC
Efficacy Highlighted in Fianlimab/Cemiplimab in Pretreated Advanced ccRCC

July 12th 2024

Manageable AEs Noted in Belzutifan for Advanced RCC
Manageable AEs Noted in Belzutifan for Advanced RCC

July 12th 2024