Dr. DeVita Receives 1995 Durham City Of Medicine Award

Oncology NEWS InternationalOncology NEWS International Vol 4 No 12
Volume 4
Issue 12

NEW HAVEN, Conn--Vincent T. DeVita, Jr., MD, director of the Yale Cancer Center, has been honored with the 1995 Durham City of Medicine Award.

NEW HAVEN, Conn--Vincent T. DeVita, Jr., MD, director of the YaleCancer Center, has been honored with the 1995 Durham City of MedicineAward.

The award program was established in 1988 by the City of Durham,NC, to recognize internationally renown medical scientists andorganizations whose contributions to medicine have profoundlyimproved the health and welfare of millions of people. Recipientsinclude five Nobel Laureates in Medicine.

Dr. DeVita, who served as director of the National Cancer Institutefor 8 years, has been a leader in the war against cancer for thepast 30 years. His ground-breaking research in multidrug chemotherapyregimens to treat cancer has provided a cure for Hodgkin's diseaseand other lymphomas.

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