BETHESDA, Md--As part of its resolution commemorating the 25th anniversary of the National Cancer Act, the National Cancer Advisory Board (NCAB) has voted to initiate a 1-year public education program to reaffirm the national commitment to cancer research.
BETHESDA, Md--As part of its resolution commemorating the 25thanniversary of the National Cancer Act, the National Cancer AdvisoryBoard (NCAB) has voted to initiate a 1-year public education programto reaffirm the national commitment to cancer research.
Leading the campaign will be the newly formed Friends of CancerResearch, an organization that includes almost every US cancergroup. Dr. Ellen Sigal, PhD, president of Sigal Environmentaland a member of the NCAB subcommittee on basic and environmentalcancer research, will head the new group.
The goal of the campaign is to mobilize public support for cancerresearch, by meeting the following objectives:
Said Dr. Sigal: "This year's 25th anniversary of the NationalCancer Act offers the fulcrum for a major, year-long public awarenesscampaign, combining news events and targeted media hits, thatwill build support for an enhanced national commitment to cancerresearch."
The educational campaign will be launched around September ata major cancer research center, and will have a message alongthe lines of "only research cures cancer."
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