Cancer patients are at high riskof potentially fatal blood clots
Cancer patients are at high riskof potentially fatal blood clotsthat form in the large veins in the leg (venous thromboembolism) that, ifunrecognized or untreated, can lead to a potentially fatal pulmonary embolism.In fact, as many as 1 in 7 hospitalized cancer patients die of a fatalthromboembolic event rather than their cancer.
A recently launched international initiativeFundamentalResearch in ONcology and Thrombosis (FRONTLINE)will be the first globalsurvey to collect information from physicians treating cancer patients with thegoal of establishing the risk of venous thrombosis, documenting the preventionand treatment strategies currently employed, and seeking national treatmentvariations.
Cancer specialists across Europe, North and South America andthe Asia-Pacific region are expected to participate in FRONTLINE, and intensiveefforts will be made to collect data from as large and representative a sampleas possible. Importantly, participation will be encouraged from all types ofmedical centers, not only those that regularly take part in clinical trials. Theresults will help to build a picture of what is happening in routine clinicalpractice.
The FRONTLINE Survey will collect information on:
The types of cancer patients who develop venousthromboembolism, and with which cancer treatments
Strategies physicians use for prophylaxis, its diagnosisand treatment
Factors that may influence treatment decisions.
It is hoped that the FRONTLINE Survey may pave the way for aninternational registry of cases of cancer-associated thromboembolic disease.
Current Perceptions and Practice
Venous thrombosis is an important cause of morbidity andmortality in cancer patients, and yet the clinical impact is oftenunderestimated. Little is known about prevention strategies, diagnosis, andtreatment in routine clinical practice. FRONTLINE is designed to helpresearchers understand current practice patterns and key issues surrounding thisimportant clinical problem. It is hoped that as many clinicians treating canceras possible will contribute, thus helping to provide much new information oncurrent perceptions and practice.
Led by a distinguished scientific steering committee chaired byDr. Ajay Kakkar, of Hammersmith Hospital, Imperial College, London, theFRONTLINE Survey is supported by an unrestricted educational grant from thePharmacia Corporation. For more information about FRONTLINE, visit, or contact:
Highlighting Insights From the Marginal Zone Lymphoma Workshop
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