CHICAGO--The American Cancer Society has presented its Humanitarian Award to C. Stratton Hill, Jr., MD, of the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. The award is given for dedication to thea improvement of cancer control and genuine accomplishment in human welfare.
CHICAGO--The American Cancer Society has presented its HumanitarianAward to C. Stratton Hill, Jr., MD, of the University of TexasM.D. Anderson Cancer Center. The award is given for dedicationto thea improvement of cancer control and genuine accomplishmentin human welfare.
As an oncologic endocrinologist, and later as associate directorof clinics at M.D. Anderson, Dr. Hill helped lay the foundationfor what has become the largest oncologic clinic in the world.As director of the Pain Service at M.D. Anderson, Dr. Hill hasworked to improve the state of pain control and has earned aninternational reputation as a leader in this field, working withstate legislatures and pharmacy and narcotic boards.
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