NABCO Resource Card on Breast Cancer Available

Oncology NEWS InternationalOncology NEWS International Vol 7 No 1
Volume 7
Issue 1

NEW YORK-The National Alliance of Breast Cancer Organizations (NABCO) has introduced the NABCO Resource Card, a quick reference guide to services and programs offered by the top breast cancer organizations in the United States.

NEW YORK—The National Alliance of Breast Cancer Organizations (NABCO) has introduced the NABCO Resource Card, a quick reference guide to services and programs offered by the top breast cancer organizations in the United States.

“Every day, we hear from women, ‘If I had only known about you,’” said Amy Langer, executive director of NABCO and a 12-year breast cancer survivor. “Even though there are many breast cancer resources available, too often women are not connecting with them. With support from Schering Corporation, we have created the NABCO Resource Card to offer a free directory to women and their families everywhere.”

One Million Cards

The card, sized to fit in a business envelope, concisely lists services in nine areas, including support groups, legal matters, clinical trials, volunteer groups, and information on breast cancer risks, diagnosis, and treatment. The toll-free telephone numbers of leading breast cancer organizations are provided.

One million of the cards will be distributed to more than 10,000 physicians’ offices and organizations cross the country. To receive a free NABCO Resource Card, call 1-800-610-5757.

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