Ovarian Cancer Survivors Form National Coalition

Oncology NEWS InternationalOncology NEWS International Vol 6 No 8
Volume 6
Issue 8

BOCA RATON, Fla--Ovarian cancer survivors have formed the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition (NOCC), an organization whose main mission is to prevent deaths from ovarian cancer by advocating for the development of new techniques for early detection and by raising awareness levels about the disease.

BOCA RATON, Fla--Ovarian cancer survivors have formed the National OvarianCancer Coalition (NOCC), an organization whose main mission is to preventdeaths from ovarian cancer by advocating for the development of new techniquesfor early detection and by raising awareness levels about the disease.

As part of its national outreach, NOCC has established a toll-free line(1-888-OVARIAN) for women who have been affected by ovarian cancer, includingnewly diagnosed women, survivors, family members, and the medical community.NOCC serves as a resource and referral center for information about ovariancancer, and actively hosts educational seminars in the community.

Although there is no universally accepted screening method for ovariancancer, there are tests and procedures that may help detect it early. NOCCuses the slogan "Ovarian Cancer: It Whispers . . . so Listen"to encourage women and physicians to take advantage of these tools, includingan annual bimanual rectovag-inal pelvic examination.

"If an irregularity is found, the patient should be given a transvaginalultrasound and the CA125 test. If one of these proves positive, she needsto see a gynecologic oncologist for further study," said Gail Hayward,founder and president.

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