MALVERN, Penn-Centocor, Inc., a manufacturer of cancer diagnostics, including the CA 15-3 radioimmunoassay serum tumor marker for breast cancer monitoring, has produced a brochure for patients on the early detection of breast cancer recurrence. The pamphlet reviews the need for regular physical exams and laboratory testing, the signs and symptoms to look for between exams, and the role of tumor marker assays in monitoring. The brochure is free to health care providers, cancer organizations, and the public. Write to Breast Cancer Tumor Markers and Follow-up Care, PO Box 1883, Southeastern, PA 19399-1883.
MALVERN, PennCentocor, Inc., a manufacturer of cancer diagnostics, including the CA 15-3 radioimmunoassay serum tumor marker for breast cancer monitoring, has produced a brochure for patients on the early detection of breast cancer recurrence. The pamphlet reviews the need for regular physical exams and laboratory testing, the signs and symptoms to look for between exams, and the role of tumor marker assays in monitoring. The brochure is free to health care providers, cancer organizations, and the public. Write to Breast Cancer Tumor Markers and Follow-up Care, PO Box 1883, Southeastern, PA 19399-1883.