President Makes NCAB Appointments

Oncology NEWS InternationalOncology NEWS International Vol 5 No 8
Volume 5
Issue 8

WASHINGTON--President Clin-ton has reappointed Barbara K. Rimer, DrPH, to a second 2-year term as chair of the National Cancer Advisory Board (NCAB) and appointed Richard J. Boxer, MD, professor of family and community medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, to a full 6-year term. Dr. Boxer had served on the board for a year to complete the term of Paul Calabresi, MD, who resigned to join the President's Cancer Panel.

WASHINGTON--President Clin-ton has reappointed Barbara K. Rimer,DrPH, to a second 2-year term as chair of the National CancerAdvisory Board (NCAB) and appointed Richard J. Boxer, MD, professorof family and community medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin,Milwaukee, to a full 6-year term. Dr. Boxer had served on theboard for a year to complete the term of Paul Calabresi, MD, whoresigned to join the President's Cancer Panel.

The President also appointed four new members: Frederick P. Li,MD, head of the Division of Cancer Epidemiology, Dana-Farber CancerInstitute; Ivor Royston, MD, president and CEO of the Sidney KimmelCancer Center, San Diego; Ellen L. Stovall, executive directorof the National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship; and SandraMillon-Underwood, PhD, associate professor, University of Wisconsin,Milwaukee.

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