ROCHESTER, NY--The WHO International Network for Cancer Education (INCE) has joined with its first partner, the American Association for Cancer Education (AACE), to put together an international traveling exhibit of educational materials and resources for cancer education, to be shown at many of the smaller cancer congresses around the world, Charles D. Sherman, Jr., MD, told Oncology News International.
ROCHESTER, NY--The WHO International Network for Cancer Education (INCE)has joined with its first partner, the American Association for CancerEducation (AACE), to put together an international traveling exhibit ofeducational materials and resources for cancer education, to be shown atmany of the smaller cancer congresses around the world, Charles D. Sherman,Jr., MD, told Oncology News International.
Dr. Sherman is director of the Highland Hospital Cancer Treatment Center,Rochester, NY, and co-director of INCE, along with Richard R. Love, MD,of the University of Wisconsin, Madison.
The INCE expects the initial collection to be exhibited at the AACEmeeting in Atlanta next October; it then will be reviewed and refined fordisplay elsewhere. An offshoot of this project is the production of anInternational Directory of materials and resources for cancer education,as well as individuals and organizations involved in cancer education.
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