Treatment Options for Patients with EGFRm NSCLC


Experts on non–small cell lung cancer reflect on clinical trial data to weigh treatment options for patients with EGFR-mutated non–small cell lung cancer.

Recent Videos
Martin Dietrich, MD, PhD, and Wade T. Iams, MD, experts on lung cancer
Martin Dietrich, MD, PhD, and Wade T. Iams, MD, experts on lung cancer
Martin Dietrich, MD, PhD, and Wade T. Iams, MD, experts on lung cancer
Martin Dietrich, MD, PhD, and Wade T. Iams, MD, experts on lung cancer
Martin Dietrich, MD, PhD, and Wade T. Iams, MD, experts on lung cancer
Martin Dietrich, MD, PhD, and Wade T. Iams, MD, experts on lung cancer
Martin Dietrich, MD, PhD, and Wade T. Iams, MD, experts on lung cancer
Patrick Forde, MBBCh, with the Oncology Brothers presenting slides
Patrick Forde, MBBCh, with the Oncology Brothers presenting slides
Patrick Forde, MBBCh, with the Oncology Brothers presenting slides
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