NEW YORK-Although 90% of prostate cancer patients in a Harris poll cited delay of disease progression as a key benefit they seek from a therapy, only one third of physicians said they would be very likely to recommend complete hormonal therapy (CHT) (an oral antian-drogen drug plus castration therapy) for all of their stage D patients. Nearly all physicians said they discuss CHT with patients, but more than 50% of patients said it had not been presented as a treatment option. The poll was sponsored by the advocacy group US TOO! and funded by Schering Oncology/Biotech.
NEW YORK-Although 90% of prostate cancer patients in a Harrispoll cited delay of disease progression as a key benefit theyseek from a therapy, only one third of physicians said they wouldbe very likely to recommend complete hormonal therapy (CHT) (anoral antian-drogen drug plus castration therapy) for all of theirstage D patients. Nearly all physicians said they discuss CHTwith patients, but more than 50% of patients said it had not beenpresented as a treatment option. The poll was sponsored by theadvocacy group US TOO! and funded by Schering Oncology/Biotech.