Rare Bladder Tumors: Caveat Emptor
August 15th 2010The authors on “Solitary Extramedullary Plasmacytoma of the Bladder” have provided a quick and accurate diagnosis, work-up, and treatment of this solitary extramedullary plasmacytoma. Solitary extramedullary plamacytomas are rare, and account for only 3% of all plasma cell malignancies. Of the 3% of plasma cell malignancies that are diagnosed, the bladder is one of the least common locations. The rarity of the tumor frequently makes the process of making a correct diagnosis difficult.[1] After making the diagnosis with immunohistochemistry, a bone marrow biopsy must be performed to rule out multiple myeloma. Additionally, a body and skeletal survey must show no evidence of additional disease or lytic lesions in order to confirm localized disease. In this case, these procedures were performed accurately and in a timely fashion.