Sexual health is an important aspect of human life, and cancer does not (and should not) change that. Data suggest that issues related to sexual function are quite common among women treated for cancer. However, clinicians often spend little to no time on the topic.
The breast cancer treatment landscape is changing, and the optimal adjuvant endocrine therapy for premenopausal women with hormone receptor (HR)-positive breast cancer is uncertain.
Radiosurgery uses stereotactic targeting methods to precisely deliver highly focused, large doses of radiation to small intracranial tumors and arteriovenous malformations (AVMs). This article reviews the most common
For many years, prostate cancerhas been known to be sensitiveto androgens. Indeed, endocrinemanipulations aimed at the reductionof serum testosterone to below oraround the castrate range have beenthe mainstay in the management ofadvanced prostate cancer for the past60 years. Despite widespread testing,the advances with this treatment modalityfor prostate cancer over the pastseveral decades have been modest.Unfortunately, the answers to manyrelevant critical questions still lie inthe future. The limiting factor of hormonaltherapy is that a significant proportionof tumor cells are not affectedby androgen deprivation.
Combining olverembatinib with blinatumomab appears to produce high complete molecular remission rates in patients with newly diagnosed, Philadelphia chromosome–positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia, says Elias Jabbour, MD.
This article will describe the historic background of Ra-223; outline the clinical studies which led to phase III trials of this agent; highlight key results of these phase III studies; and explore possible future directions for use of Ra-223 and other alpha particles-both in prostate cancer and for management of other diseases.
The article by Drs. Stein and Tallman is an excellent summary indicating that several different approaches may lead to the cure of acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL).
The role of sentinel lymph node identification has been investigated over the past decade in a variety of malignancies. It has become part of standard care for melanoma. Its role in breast cancer is evolving, but with the completion of two large randomized clinical trials, it will probably be added to the surgical armamentarium for the management of most breast cancers. Studies have been proposed or are under way to evaluate sentinel node mapping in head and neck cancer, penile and vulvar cancer, and gastrointestinal cancers.
Recent studies have elucidated some of the molecular and cellular mechanisms that determine the sensitivity or resistance to ionizing radiation. These findings ultimately may be useful in devising new strategies to improve the
In the absence of a clear understanding of the underlying biologic heterogeneity, the etiology of the different heavy chain diseases (HCDs) should be taken into consideration when treatment decisions are made. Extrapolation from related conditions, such as aggressive lymphomas (in γ-HCD) and CLL (in μ-HCD), suggests that novel and targeted therapies may be effective in the management of these rare diseases.
However, it is becoming ever clearer that tumor characteristics can change during the course of disease. Given this change over time, other supporting techniques for guiding therapy would be of value. Molecular radionuclide imaging with positron emission tomography (PET) can potentially fulfill this need.
Outline of Oncology Therapeutics is a well-written, concise, and up-to-date book providing detailed descriptions of a variety of medications and issues important to the overall care and treatment of patients with cancer. Oncology practice today
Secondary lymphedema is quite prevalent in cancer patients who require lymph node dissection for staging and/or treatment of their disease. Chronic lymphedema may arise shortly after surgical intervention or months to years afterward. The tendency of chronic lymphedema is to worsen over time.
Several trials have shown that anthracyclines and taxanes can be combined to achieve response rates ranging from 70% to 90%, with complete responses ranging from 19% to 41%. In an attempt to increase the activity while
PARP inhibitors are an active, novel, and exciting class of anticancer agents. They have shown clear patient benefit in gBRCA, HR-deficient, and other ovarian cancers.
On June 29, 2005, President Bush signed into law the Patient Navigator Outreach and Chronic Disease Prevention Act of 2005 (H.R. 1812). This legislation authorized the National Cancer Institute (NCI) to oversee the distribution of $25 million in competitive 5-year grants to help underserved communities access health care services.
As knowledge increases about the processes underlying cancer, it is becoming feasible to design “targeted therapies” directed toward specific pathways that are critical to the genesis or maintenance of the malignant phenotype. Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibitors are an example of this new framework. DNA damage repair is a complex and multifaceted process that is critical to cell survival. Members of the PARP family are central to specific DNA damage repair pathways, particularly the base excision repair (BER) pathway. PARP inhibition, with subsequent impairment of the BER mechanism, may enhance the cytotoxicity of agents that generate single-strand breaks in DNA, such as radiation and certain chemotherapy drugs. In addition, PARP inhibitors may induce death through “synthetic lethality” if the DNA repair mechanisms that rescue BER-deficient cells are themselves impaired. This mechanism is thought to underlie the impressive results of PARP inhibition in BRCA-associated breast and ovarian cancer, and may also account for the reported benefit of this approach in “triple-negative” breast cancer. This review will examine the current understanding of PARP inhibition as a treatment for breast cancer, ongoing clinical trials, and future directions for this new approach.
Personalized cancer care is generally thought of as using molecular information from tumors in order to identify which therapeutic agents will be most effective in a given patient.
During the 2018 Miami Breast Cancer Conference, Dr. Elizabeth A. Mittendorf discussed immunotherapy concepts and strategies related to breast cancer.
We spoke with breast imaging radiologist Dr. Elizabeth Morris on imaging vigilance for women at high risk of developing breast cancer.
Annually, adverse drug reactions (ADRs) result in costs of $3.6 billion and 140,000 deaths.1 Yet in 2005, only 15,107 reports of fatalities linked to potential drug toxicity were reported to the US Food and Drug Administration.2 This low number suggests that, despite significant morbidity and morality, ADRs remain underappreciated by clinicians. This is particularly troublesome when it comes to ADRs associated with oncology drugs.
The introduction of mandatory risk evaluation and mitigation strategy (REMS) programs, in which patients must participate in order to receive a new therapy, provides an opportunity to examine an issue affecting ethical oversight and publication of scientific study results.
Predicting the survival of terminal cancer patients is a difficult task. To better understand this difficulty, we divide prognostication into two distinct elements: foreseeing and foretelling. Foreseeing is a physician’s silent cognitive
To place responsibility for rationing chemotherapeutics on the oncologist not only increases his or her emotional burden, but it also strains the doctor-patient relationship. We should not allow oncologists to become bedside healthcare rationers simply because no one else wants to do the job.
Given that there is no validated test for early lung cancer detection,the current standard approach to lung cancer detection is to wait forsigns or symptoms to develop. In that setting, newly detected lung canceris generally rapidly fatal resulting in over 157,000 deaths annually.Sole dependence on tobacco control is an insufficient public healthresponse to lung cancer, since most newly diagnosed individuals areeither former smokers or never smokers. Finding a more effective wayto diagnose premetastatic lung cancer would be a crucial step towardan improved lung cancer-related mortality rate. Based on studies ofbreast cancer screening, we know that achieving optimal benefit fromearly cancer detection also involves defining the most effective, efficient,and safest approach to the clinical management of screen-identifiedlung cancer. In this review, we consider how to build on the successesof other cancer screening efforts to detect and manage earlylung cancer. This involves outlining the specific elements for lung cancerthat could make a screening program safe, affordable, and effective.We also explore the current standards of early lung cancer managementand target areas where potential pitfalls and opportunities forimprovement exist.
Consider the following case study, which illustrates the complex physical and psychosocial care required for the patient developing graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) following an allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT): Mr. SR is a 38-year-old male with a diagnosis of anaplastic large cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL).
Patient education and counseling are essential in women at increased risk for ovarian and endometrial cancer. Women must be educated regarding the signs, symptoms, and risks associated with these cancers.
Throughout the geriatric sessions we were continually reminded of our aging population, the fact that cancer is a disease of the aging, and of the mismatch in this increasing number of patients and the number of geriatric providers entering the workforce. General oncologists will need to understand the nuances of caring for older patients with cancer.
After a review of the published literature, the panel voted on three variants to establish best practices for the utilization of imaging, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy after primary surgery for early-stage endometrial cancer.