Want Your Oncology Practice to Stay Independent? Join a Supergroup
March 20th 2014In order to remain independent, community oncologists must align themselves with a critical mass of providers in their local or regional markets and be prepared to accept more financial risk for the quality and cost of care they provide.
ASCO Cites Multiple Pressures on Cancer Care
March 18th 2014The number of cancer patients in the United States is growing; the oncology workforce is shrinking; and increasing costs and healthcare policy changes in this country are likely to put quality cancer care, screening, and preventive services in flux.
Tobacco Control Since the 1964 Surgeon General's Report: Reflecting Back and Looking Forward
March 15th 2014We now have more tools than ever in the fight against tobacco-related death and disability, but unfortunately, there is not equal access to resources for smoking cessation, early lung cancer diagnosis, and treatment.
Slide Show: 2014 ASCO Genitourinary Cancers Symposium
March 10th 2014This slide show includes some of the highlights from the 2014 ASCO Genitourinary Symposium, including a study looking at anti-HER2 agents and radiation therapy (RT) for bladder cancer, RT for prostate cancer, and novel therapies in RCC.
ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Local-Regional Recurrence (LRR) and Salvage Surgery-Breast Cancer
Management recommendations for breast cancer local-regional recurrence (LRR), including patient scenarios, are reviewed, and represent evidence-based data and expert opinion of the American College of Radiology Appropriateness Criteria Expert Panel on LRR.
Slide Show: 2014 ASCO Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium
February 14th 2014This slide show features highlights from the 2014 ASCO Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium, including a trial testing a vaccine combo for the treatment of pancreatic cancer, the use of anti-angiogenesis therapy in gastric cancer, and more.
Experts Say Palliative Care Underused in Cancer Care
February 6th 2014Integrating palliative care earlier in the disease process can improve quality of life and possibly survival for patients with advanced cancer but its value is widely misunderstood, according to a recent review by palliative care experts.