IL-2 Increases CD4 Counts in Early HIV
April 1st 1995BETHESDA, Md--Intermittent infusions of interleukin-2 (IL-2, aldesleukin) have led to significant increases in CD4+ T cell counts in HIV-infected patients with early disease, a study from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) has found.
NCI Drug Discovery Program Pays Off
April 1st 1995ROCKVILLE, Md--Bruce Chabner, MD, director of the NCI Division of Cancer Treatment, said that over the past decade, NCI's drug discovery and development programs have produced seven new drugs currently being used to treat cancer and AIDS. The program cost about $1.4 billion: $200 million for every New Drug Application filed.
Wig Clinic Provides New Tresses, Improved Outlook
April 1st 1995NEW YORK--"I had curly hair. Look at it now," lamented a young woman who had just taken off a turban. She was attending an "All You Want to Know About Wigs" seminar at Cancer Care, Inc. in Manhattan. Indeed, her curls were gone, and only wisps remained. She passed around a photograph of herself before chemotherapy for comments: "Gorgeous. You were gorgeous." "You're still gorgeous."
Estate Planning Tools Let Terminal Patients Stay in Control
April 1st 1995NEW YORK--The power of attorney, the health-care proxy, and the living will "are the three simplest things we can do to control our destiny. They're not overly complex, not expensive, and once you arrange for these documents, you can get on with your life," attorney Edward J. Mullen told cancer patients at a legal clinic in the Manhattan office of Cancer Care, Inc., an agency that provides professional social service support to cancer patients and their families.
Radiofrequency Ablation of Brain Tumors New Option
March 1st 1995CHICAGO--A new minimally invasive procedure for treating certain types of primary or metastatic brain cancer offers an alternative to patients who are too ill to undergo standard craniotomy, chemotherapy, or radiotherapy, or who have not
Oncologist Enthusiastic About Capitated Plan
March 1st 1995DUARTE, Calif--An oncologist passionate about the advantages of managed care? Oncology News International met just such a physician, Myron H. Goldsmith, who provides medical oncology services on a capitated basis to the City of Hope Oncology Network, while also maintaining his fee-for-service practice. "You have to be passionate about what you believe in," this on-the-go doctor said from his cellular phone.
Digital Mammography Has Potential to Detect Small Tumors, Increase Accuracy in Dense Breasts
March 1st 1995CHICAGO--Initial experience with a prototype digital mammography system indicates that the new technology has the potential to detect breast tumors much smaller in size than is possible with conventional mammography, and can be manipulated to explore areas of breast tissue that harbor occult cancer.
GAO Says Federal Research Needed on Safety of Portable Cellular Telephones
March 1st 1995PARIS, France--Dr. Bernard Fisher, Distinguished Service Professor of Surgery, University of Pittsburgh, was presented with the Third Claude Jacquillat Award for Achievement in Clinical Oncology at the Fifth International Congress of Anti-Cancer Chemotherapy.
Varmins Chooses New Director for NIH Office of Alternative Medicine
March 1st 1995NIH chief Harold Varmus has chosen an army physician, Lt. Col. Wayne Jonas, as the new permanent director of the Office of Alternative Medicine (OAM); he will replace temporary acting director Alan Trachtenberg in July. Dr. Jonas earned his
'Visible Man' Hits the Internet, Radiologists Get the First Look
March 1st 1995CHICAGO--The first long distance, computer-generated anatomy lesson was conducted via satellite as biologists from the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver, fed three-dimensional digital images of the human male body to participants at the annual scientific meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA).
Ultrafast Full-Body MRI Eases Procedure in Claustrophobics, Kids
March 1st 1995CHICAGO--Echoplanar magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was introduced in the late 1970s to scan parts of the body that exhibit rapid movement, such as the heart and brain. At the annual scientific meeting of the Radiological Society of North
Coram to Purchase Caremark's Home Infusion Therapy Business
March 1st 1995DENVER--Coram Healthcare Corp. has reached a definitive agreement to acquire Caremark International's home infusion therapy business. Under the agreement, Caremark will receive approximately $310 million in cash and securities.
Protease Inhibitors Temporarily Suppress HIV Replication
March 1st 1995WASHINGTON--In the short term, protease inhibitors are quite effective at stopping replication of HIV, thus permitting recovery of the immune system, but, as with other anti-HIV agents, resistance eventually develops and effectiveness wanes, researchers reported at the 2nd National Conference on Human Retroviruses and Related Infections.
Paul Marks to Head Search Committee For National Cancer Institute Director
March 1st 1995WASHINGTON--HHS Secretary Donna Shalala has appointed Paul Marks, president, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Institute, to chair the search committee for a director of the National Cancer Institute, to replace Dr. Samuel Broder, who now plans to leave in March instead of April as originally announced.
Federal Anti-Kickback Statute Provides for 'Safe Harbors'
March 1st 1995Part 1 of this three-part series on the Medicare fraud and abuse laws reviewed the laws prohibiting self-referrals (ONI, Jan, 1995, ). Part 2 (Feb, 1995) looked at the false claims laws and how to avoid exposure to such claims. This final article discusses the Medicare and Medicaid anti-kickback statute.
ASIM Joins Coalition in Effort to Bring Tobacco Industry Under FDA Control
March 1st 1995WASHINGTON--The American Society of Internal Medicine (ASIM) joined the Coalition on Smoking OR Health in its effort to create FDA oversight of the tobacco industry. ASIM's policy on tobacco supports stronger cigarette labels,
Euthanasia: No Substitute for Rational Pain Interventions
March 1st 1995MIAMI, Fla--Public support of physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia stems from multiple medical, social, and economic factors, Kathleen Foley, MD, said at the annual meeting of the American Pain Society. (See table for a list of some of these factors.)
AZT Alone Arm Dropped From Study of HIV in Children
March 1st 1995WASHINGTON--The AZT alone arm has been dropped from a large ongoing federal study of children with HIV infection, because it proved less effective in preventing disease progression than the other arms and had significant adverse effects.
FTC Advised to List Tar and Nicotine Levels Directly on Cigarette Packages
February 1st 1995BETHESDA, Md--An expert advisory committee to the President's Cancer Panel believes that the method of testing levels of tar, nicotine, and carbon monoxide in cigarettes is inadequate, as is the system used by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to inform consumers about these levels and what they mean to the smoker's health.