BETHESDA, Md--Newly available from the NIH/NCI (NIH Publication 96-4104, April 1996) is a SEER monograph entitled Racial/Ethnic Patterns of Cancer in the United States, 1988-1992.
BETHESDA, Md--Newly available from the NIH/NCI (NIH Publication96-4104, April 1996) is a SEER monograph entitled Racial/EthnicPatterns of Cancer in the United States, 1988-1992.
"This landmark report presents the most extensive informationyet available on racial and ethnic differences in cancer experience,"said Edward Sondik, PhD, deputy director of the NCI's Divisionof Cancer Prevention and Control, which prepared the publication."It cannot be overstated as to how important these data willbe to our understanding of cancer."
Oncologists Reflect on Pandemic's Lasting Impact on Cancer Care
Hear from leading cancer experts about the lasting impact the COVID-19 pandemic has left on clinical practice.