ROCHESTER, NY--The WHO International Network for Cancer Education (INCE) is putting together a list of exchange programs in cancer education, (eg, exchange of students, residents, or faculty), involving a European or US center and a corresponding center in Asia, Africa, or Latin America.
ROCHESTER, NY--The WHO International Network for Cancer Education (INCE) is putting together a list of exchange programs in cancer education, (eg, exchange of students, residents, or faculty), involving a European or US center and a corresponding center in Asia, Africa, or Latin America.
The INCE is sponsoring a symposium on such exchange programs on November 4-7, 1998, in Portland, Oregon, and is soliciting descriptions of such activities, comments, and ideas for future use, as well as abstracts of papers.
Physicians or institutions may contact Charles D. Sherman, Jr, MD, Highland Hospital, 1000 South Avenue, Rochester, NY 14620.
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